All roses are beautiful, of course. I am always more than happy to bring a bunch home from the florist or grocery. But to me there is nothing more luxurious than a floppy bouquet of home grown roses.
We are suddenly into the real heat of summer. These blooms won't last but a day or so in the garden before they start showing signs of stress. But they last longer in a vase. Some drop their petals readily, and others age on the stem just beautifully.
This sunny blend of colors looks wonderful together.
Do you think that "a rose is a rose is a rose"? And as for Shakespeare's "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet", some of my roses seem to have no scent at all! In the case of roses, I don't really think that "it is what it is" applies because of all the variety.
I'm just thrilled for the littlest bit of bloom that lives in my own yard bringing beauty and cheer.
I put this pitcher of roses near a window to give it more light for the camera and ended up getting a little more drama than I expected. But isn't life just like that?
In this case, the drama is a good thing! A little artful and romantic. And the bonus is that this version of our garden bouquet can never fade!
All peaches and creams!
And a tad of buttery yellow. Yum!
So nice that you stopped by for a look at my shabby roses!
And it's Friday!!!
Hope it's a great weekend for you!
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