
Thursday, June 28, 2012

A Pacific Northwest Meadow

This scene might just be the backyard to you. It is for my son's family living in Washington State at the Canadian border. But to me it may as well be Mars. I know I am just so "gee whiz" over the simplest things, but you must remember that I'm from the provinces of New Mexico!

I've been around. I've seen the world. And I'm still amazed at this beautiful green and alien environment. A stroll around the "yard" while the steaks are on the barbie holds a world of fascination.

This rooster. . .

And this one-eyed hen. . .

recently produced exactly one chick. Bravo! But the lady of the house fears that it's another rooster.

This makes me want to order a country meadow from my local nursery when I get back home to the desert.

Picking Rainier cherries.

My son called this flower a Rocket plant. He says in Alaska they say that when the flower blooms all the way to the top winter is over.

Today was a good day for the bees. We had lots of sunshine!

Now this I could live without!

Having a wonderful time! Wish you were here.



  1. Hi Jacqueline:
    Lovely shots....they certainly have a beautiful property...
    I think they are further North than me...I am in Southern Ontario..I could be wrong..
    We are having our Canada Day long to the cottage!!
    Enjoy your time with your son...Did you take the trailer with you??

    Linda :o)

  2. The flowers in the meadow are wonderful. I want to plant our empty lot in wild flowers but Joe says no.

  3. I can see where this would be such a different environment from yours and it looks a lot like mine! Beautiful photos. I love the old barn. Enjoy your holiday with your son. Blessings, Pamela

  4. Jacqueline,
    It all looks so lovely.And not brown like it is around here! We need some rain.LOVE those beautiful daisy's.

  5. So lovely. Wonderful photos. Looks nice and cool but summery.

  6. I wish I were there, too. Looks so cool and green. We are hot and dry here in Illinois this year. Lovely photos.

  7. That looks like a wonderful rural life. My mother used to live on Orcas Island in the San Juans and I love that part of the country. Have a great visit!

  8. Hi J,
    well I am, glad the weather is treating you nice :-) Your pics look just like my day hike yesterday :-) Slugs and all, have you seen the black ones yet? When I first moved up here I was SHOCKED... 6" really! Love the barn and bees!!

  9. So beautiful...glad you are having such a wonderful time....I so understand your admiration for meadows (she says with a twinkle in her eye).

  10. What a lovely place to live or visit! Wonderful photography.

  11. Hi Jacqueline: I am from mountains and greenery but I still love the sight of it. The Pacific Northwest is my most favorite place. They have more rain than we do so things are always so much greener. Oh, to walk in a meadow like that, don't you just love it..Happy Thursday..Judy

  12. What a lovely stroll! I am just like you! I take in all the simple things that most brings me great joy!

    Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos!! I felt like I was there!

    Have a wonderful Friday and weekend!!


  13. I'm gee whiz over it all too. I want a meadow of daisies just like that :)
    Great pics!

  14. I bet you camera and twigger finger are gonna need a vacation when you get back ops everywhere!
    Gorgeous and I'm in serious love with the daisies just blooming in the middle of a meadow. I have to baby the heck outta mine here in Texas!
    Keep having fun...and more fun.

  15. I cannot wait for Washington cherries to make their way east!!

  16. Oh ha ha ha ha!! The slug!! Did you run across any banana ones?? As Bella said, they can be even bigger than 6 inches and are sooo gross!! You must've brought the sun with you! Looks gorgeous!!

  17. Jacqueline,
    Enjoy your walk! Thank you for reminding me to appreciate the loveliness of my own back yard!

  18. What a beautiful environment, Jacqueline! Thank you for sharing your trip this way -- the pictures are lovely.


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