
Thursday, February 26, 2015

Spring Fever

I just can't keep away from the garden nursery because this is the sort of thing that greets me at the front door!

Love this vintage retro rack with the black letters and numbers.

The stylist here (Osuna Nursery) does a great job of giving us a look almost never to be found on the streets of Albuquerque. Too early to see anything like this popping up in front yards. But it's not a typical look in an area where xeriscape is popular in the landscape anyway. (i.e. Reducing or eliminating the need for watering--think rocks and cactus, which can be beautiful, but come on. . . Some people call it zero-scape in error.)

But it's all great for getting a hit of spring, and lots of decor ideas.

Happy Spring Fever everyone!


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  1. Your tour is pretty too. I did the same theme today, must be the weather!

  2. We are all being just over anxious for spring
    Our local weather is forecast down to 1 degree tonight snow all weekend maybe freezing rain.
    Think I'll stop and get me a new African Violet, at the local grocery store florist to sit on mt kitchen table

  3. I love the blue patio set and cannot wait until Spring comes here.

  4. Love your splash of Spring. I can't wait , it seems to have slowed down a bit here , growth is slow due to lack of sunshine. However the birds are singing their heads off calling for a mate. So even if plant life is a bit slow,things are showing 'Spring is in the air' as the song goes.

  5. I don't know whether to smile or cry looking at these pictures. I want to smile because it makes me happy to look at SPRING somewhere...and I want to CRY because it is so far away for us- Another 2 months at best. xo Diana

  6. So pretty Jacqueline. Nothing like that here in the frozen tundra of Ohio. I cheered myself with getting some spring chicks. Lost my last two chickens last October, so it was time to start over. They are so cute and make me long for spring like the flowers do for you.

  7. Nothing like the end of winter and you have had a cold one this year.

  8. love jaqueline what spring pictures for beautiful !!! I love the green shelf !!! love greetings from angie from Germany

  9. I so want SPRING!!! Thanks for the hint of it.

  10. What a delightful place to visit as we're longing for spring!
    Mary Alice

  11. What a beautiful greeting at the nursery. This makes me want to run right to my nursery with my camera.

  12. Oh so beautiful! Love that gorgeous pink. Those settings look so happy and colorful.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Hope to see you on my blog:)

  13. I feel it too, J - ready for spring in a big big way!

    Thanks for the inspiration and eye candy. : - )

  14. Oh spring indeed - everything is so pretty and bright. I love this time of the year when the bulbs are coming up. When we lived in S. California in the desert, we would dig up the bulbs each year and store them in a fridge over the winter to get a few more year's of blooms out of them.

  15. That's a shop that would definitely call me in with it's "come hither" looks, and I'd probably spend a lot of time in it if I lived near-by. Love the green table & chairs.

  16. How pretty!!! I cannot begin to think spring here until late April. Maybe some small touches indoors will help. :)
    Have a lovely weekend,

  17. Ahhhhh to think about Spring. We won't see an signs of Spring until end of April here in the midwest. So this was nice to see that you already are getting close to a Spring.

  18. Good Morning...
    Yes this is just what I need.. I am gonna head out, better late than never!
    LOVE the blue patio set (I have a thing for blue this year, weird!)
    The green shelves are nice too, are those bits of cactus on the shelves or air ferns?
    (I would call it zero-scape :-(, now I know better... but gee what do I know, we have rain to give away and wish we could :-)
    Happy Weekend!!!

  19. Enjoying all that spring color! I have to admit I am a little starved for color these days but sunshine on sparkling white snow is hard to complain about....too much!

    Have a lovely weekend!

  20. I love going out and about visiting my local public gardens and my local nurseries. Thanks for this inspiration. Beautiful shot of the vintage chairs.

  21. If you were here with me you would have had to put up with very audible sighs of envy and joy. The photos are lovely and such a welcome sight to remind those of us in colder climes that spring WILL come!

  22. Beautiful!! Love the darling bistro set and the vintage shelf! Around here the place to be is Al's Garden Center. It is gorgeous, too, and they also style everything so beautifully. I stop in often all year to see what's going on. I bought a pink poinsettia in Nov and that thing is still gorgeous! I remember all the rocks and cactus (not to my liking), but we had green grass in front and back, a snowball bush, and a vegetable garden. My dad and mom had roses and peach and nectarine trees. I know it all takes water but back then, we never heard a lot about "there's a drought". I even hear that here in Oregon and am always amazed with all the rain we get and think someone needs to call Albuq. and see how they manage their water!! Your yard and patio will be gorgeous!

  23. i love visiting garden centers--thanks for the tour. spring can't come soon enough for me:)

  24. OHHH I am craving spring as I look out and see snow :( these pics are just beautiful! Please come link up to my party CPW (Centerpiece Wednesday) and share this post with us!


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