
Monday, December 2, 2019

Getting Into December

This was our Thanksgiving Day surprise! (Shot by my lovely DIL and friend Shari Sue.)

The storm made the holiday truly thrilling and even more memorable.

All of these shots are either borrowed or shot from my phone, which I am very unused to doing. After almost ten years of blogging I have had to upgrade my camera and am now having to upgrade my tech skills as well. Don't worry! I saved all my geriactric complaints for the computer store guys! (Well some folks around here heard some too.) Ten years covers a boatload of gizmos and gadgetry, let me tell you.

Shari took this pic just before we sat down for the biggest meal ever made in our dinky little kitchen. Everybody pitched in and threw on settings for thirteen. I made a last minute decision to use some transferware and I think it made an inadvertant statement all its own. I was so pleased to see how it all turned out! Busy, crazy, and crowded. Just like so many of our holidays here in this little cottage house.

It's a bit too quiet now around the fire. (But in a good way! Haha!) I hope it was a lovely day for all of you and yours. Ours all made it home without too much trouble. Time now for the next big thing!

Might as well settle in and enjoy the journey.

Love and joy come to you!


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Tuesday Turn About


  1. It looks more than a little bit like magic! Oh, what a pretty table and home. And the snow on top of it all. It looks divinely peaceful. Much joy!

  2. So lovely! So glad you still do a blog, so many others have gone to instagram. You photographs are beautiful!

  3. How pretty the table settings were for Thanksgiving. How fun that you could all be together and enjoy that big meal and having that time together. That is what it is all about. I bet everyone felt so cozy in your sweet little cottage. Glad you had such a great day together. The snow is so pretty in all your pictures. I gave up on getting a new camera and just use my I phone now to take pictures. I think in a lot of ways it takes better pics than my old camera. Have a great week.

  4. I'm really loving the warm and cozy simplicity of your cabin. The table is beautiful and certainly festive. I can just hear all the voices, music in the background and the crackling fire. That's what it's all about ...getting together. We have to stay simple this year, so I'm really going to have to pare it all down and pick out what is important!

  5. I am so glad the snow is there and not here! Looks like a houseful of laughter happened. Have a joyous Christmas.

  6. Oh so lovely Jacqueline~ Thank you for sharing : ) It's nice to see that others make the best of smaller spaces during holiday time! I like the feeling of close and cozy! (lol) You transferware made a beautiful setting for your Thanksgiving meal~ Enjoy getting ready for Christmas! Hugs, karen o

  7. what a wonderful tablescape, because we know it's all about family and love and togetherness. Beautiful outdoor photos of the pristine snowscape. We're just waiting for our first big snow. Happy December!

  8. The table with your beautiful dishes looks lovely.

    I am on an ironstone kick. I now have 5 oval dinner plates and 4 round plates. I'm going to the Great Junk Hunt on Friday night hunting for salad size bowls. If I find 4, then I am literally donating ALL my colorful dishes - except one full set of blue and white. We just don't have the space for everything and I Steve likes to serve his creative meals on white plates.

  9. Jacqueline,
    this is what memories are made of!
    Gathering around the table with family & friends. . .
    and a snow covered background makes for a perfect occasion.
    Lovely photos!
    P.S. I, too, am ready for a camera upgrade. . .
    mine is the same age as your last one!

  10. Thank you for the fantastic pictures... a wonderful table i the cabin :-)))
    God advent. Greetings from Viola

  11. Wow! Look at that beautiful snow. I absolutely love your table setting. Your little cottage is so cozy.

  12. What a lovely home you have, Jacqueline... I just found you via All About Home. Congrats on your feature this week! We would be thrilled if you have time to come and link-up at Tuesday Turn About, via Hope to see you there... have a blessed Christmas!

  13. Your beautiful home looks lovely with the snow piled up outside.

  14. Your a Thanksgiving table looked so lovely Jacqueline!

  15. so glad you are still here.Love your Blog.And your dinning room is beautiful.Love the chandie and the lace curtains.So many Bloggers have stopped posting.again-so good to stop by and see your lovely place.

  16. WOW!!! All that snow in NM??? I had no idea it snowed there! We got a nice storm too and that was it. Usually mid Ohio winters are very snowy. Sure do have weird weather these days.

    I LOVE that huge huge huge long table you set! What fun - had to be a delightful meal all gathered together like that. ♥♥♥

    Hope you are enjoying all the wonderful things this season has to give.



  17. I just love snow it makes everything look so beautiful.
    Your table is wonderfully set

    Merry Christmas

  18. Your creative Christmas and snowfall looks especially inviting from fire-ravaged Australia and a relatively warm France - where we haven't had our usual snowfalls.

  19. Such beauty!!!Always a pleasure stopping by...Hugs!

  20. How wonderful - shabby chic snow!!!!


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