Well, hello again, my friends! I thought I would pop in for one of my "day in the life" posts since September has decided to fly on by. We got in a little travel, had family in a few times, went for a mountain picnic on the first day of fall, and fit in all the real life stuff in between the cracks. Isn't September beautiful?
Since an organized post hasn't made it's way into my days lately I thought I would just let you follow me around my beautiful life today. I call it beautiful because it is filled every day with so many things that I love to look at. If you saw the whole picture you would see a pretty good mess, but here in my nursery/guest/work room where I fold laundry, iron, and do shop stuff, there is always something to give me a lift, and the time to reflect on the big things that we always have to deal with in life. Here is a sweet little lamp that I found thrifting yesterday, for instance.
A new lamp shade, and voila! Ready to go!
You have to sift through a lot of nothing much in order to find the gems like this set of lacy cut work napkins that turned up at the same picking place. But it's the sifting through and turning things over, the sizing up and hunting down that is so therapeutic when you just need a day away from it all. And what a bonus! Even if it is the only thing you find!
I am considering for yet one more time whether or not to pass on to someone else this over sized vintage edition of Redoute rose prints.
It looks so beautiful, and makes a nice display among my lacy things.
I found some sweet frilly tops that are on their way to the shop. But they make the room so cheery while they are still hanging around.
The vintage wood hotel hangers that I use for display are only ten cents a piece at my favorite thrift store. You can find some too!
I always look like a giant froufy lamp shade when I try to wear something like this (lol!), but I just love the look of them on display.
Another fall thrifting obsession I get this time of year is balls of fluffy yarn in neutral colors. This was from only three bags of yarn costing only two or three dollars each. I usually knit something simple when the weather turns, but I think I will do a bit of crocheting this year.
This one is wool. . .
And there are a few fluffy balls of a mohair blend with an adorable vintage label attached.
I may make a dolly sweater or two because they work up fast and you think you have accomplished something. But I enjoy the cozy look of yarn just sitting around. (I forgot I was going to show this with my nice wooden knitting needles poking out.)
I am goofy enough to enjoy even the names given to colors so I leave them attached after taking off the labels that I don't love.
September also brought another lovely shop event (with lovely ladies) that we hosted this month at Cielo Heavenly Home Decor where I have space. Vintage is my life!
Okay, so I also waded through the latest tempting batch of fall magazines and selected this one from Victoria.
They have gotten smart and often include some luscious white decor in the center of the mix for all of us white addicts. Do you see me turning this down?
And heaven help us! the Christmas editions are starting to come out!!!
Finally, this scrumptious new book arrived at my house yesterday too. I always love a new book that gets my heart rate up a little when I flip though the pages. See what I mean about a beautiful life?
I know there are people who really do live like this, but this is just a wonderful daydream to me.
What might actually happen to me in a dreamy kitchen like this? Cooking maybe?
I love the collage-y section headings. Really a gorgeous book.
I don't do any actual fall decorating. Just a few things get set down and shifted around. Still plenty of time for tucking things in on the mantel.
Thanks a bunch for tagging along!
Your lovely comments add so much to my days.
It's wonderful sharing the simple pleasures in every day with you!