
Monday, April 19, 2010

Mixing and Stirring

April is the cruelest month, breeding
Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing
Memory and desire, stirring
dull roots with spring rain.
T.S. Eliot, The Waste Land

This gorgeous vintage looking lace is actually a new piece made by my old-fashioned (in the best sense of the term), beautiful, and talented daughter-in-law Shanti. She lives with my son the beekeeper and their sweet daughter in Washington State. Happy Birthday Shanti!

It's always such a nice surprise to find the Lilacs blooming again. We just take them for granted and they are so short lived. It's a great gift for a gardener without thumbs of ANY color.

Cruel, maybe, but isn't she a beauty . . . . Thanks for stopping by!


  1. The lace is absolutely gorgeous!!! And so are the lilacs. Here in Oregon one of my lilac bushes is just beginning to bloom, and our "Miss Kim" lilacs along the driveway have a few more days before they fragrance the yard! They smell wonderful when they finally do open. Love all the pictures and all the changes!Kay

  2. Oh what beautiful photographs. Lilac is so beautiful, isn't it ? Your daughter-in-law is very talented.Wish her a very happy birthday from me !.... and, your son is a bee keeper. My daughter has done a course on bee- keeping and thoroughly enjoyed it.
    Thanks so much for your lovely comment. XXXX


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