I have lived in my rabbity-roomed pueblo style house for a dozen years and have every day of every year known that my kitchen is crazily too small. I've always envisioned tearing everything out and having a euro style kitchen minus built-ins.

My son-in-law Dan, a "doer," as my 89 year young mother-in-law would call him, advised that removing the overhead cabinets on one side would be a really easy operation. This renovation took place one day without prior notice. Dan simply arrived from his own home four hours away with the proper tools in hand. "She's not ready," my daughter cautioned him. And she was right. But who could resist such an offer? We pulled everything out of the cabinets before I left for a day at the shop.
The morning after the cabinets came down, the nursery crew, aka "doers in training" helped with the paint job.

Eleven o'clock pm with the paint dry. The clock covers the electrical wires waiting for a stove hood that may never materialize. I want a fancy French farm house looking one. The bottom right cabinets were also taken out making room for my vintage kitchen cart and trash bin. The lamp was a temporary necessity, but we now prefer it.
The amount of visual space is startling. For now I don't want to put anything on the walls. I have stopped hating my kitchen, and don't feel like I need a thing. Yet we actually have LESS storage space!

I found this compact home made vintage shelf just BEFORE the renovation, already painted my color. It replaces the missing dish storage, and all the flatware is now countertop. Easier than ever to reach.

I enjoy seeing my favorite things everyday. Everything is within reach and completely easy to maintain in order.

The final photo shows the back side of the storage shelf and items on a separate counter on the dining room side. Intended as a breakfast bar, we found we use it to stow mail, keys, etc. (sometimes lots of etc.), and to serve a crowd. We feel more prepared than ever to do just that.

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