Seasons greetings my friends! Here we all are after a difficult year. We think of Christmas as a joyous time, rightly so. And we strive so much to make it so.
I learned a lifetime ago that no matter our actual circumstances on December 25th, Christmas Day arrives on schedule to the rest of the world. It can be a hard time for people. Desperately hard. And at times has been so for me, and no doubt many of you as well.
I have also learned that Christmas is a lot more fun with children, and sweeter with family gathered all around! But that won't be how we celebrate this year.
So now, more than ever I have needed all the lovely choral music. The exquisite sound of many and varied voices raised together in soulful celebration. The heartwarming stories of hopefulness, sharing, and love that make my heart swell so much this year.
I am seeing old favorite films with newer eyes as the time passes, and especially now. Cards and calls and greetings mean more to me in 2020, and I find myself more grateful for things large and small.
I need more brightness and light just now. More purposeful joy. The kind that you have to put there yourself.
More walks in the fields. More good food that you cook yourself. More thoughtfulness, more kindness. More gazing at stars.
The smallest bits of Christmas decor remain in boxes. It is a macro year of greens and wreaths, and lights that have gone up gradually and are easy to do (or not) by whim. The tree has only just gone up. And all the undone things given their peace.
Only goodness, and as much cheer as we can muster will be allowed across the threshold heaven willing. Another pot of New Mexico posole and tamales on the stove. A walk in the old town and a drive to see lights. Wood fires, and the vibrant scent of cedar and pine.

A raised glass or two, and many good thoughts: of good family, good friends, and loved ones lost.
My best and heartfelt wishes to all of you, near and far.
Thank you so much for all of your very kind words and thoughts.
Peace and Joy come to you,