
Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Starting The New Year With Paper Whites

Hello and Happy New Year! It was off to a slow start for us this year. All of our people could find time for a visit only after Christmas, and so we have been in relaxed holiday mode for an extra week. The decorations are still up for one more day yet, but I am already greeting the new year with the thrill of something green blooming on the windowsill!

This is only my second year of planting paper whites, and they are the cheeriest way to start off a bitter winter. They are so symbolic of a fresh start. So easy, and such an antidote to gloomy weather.

A small system blew through overnight leaving behind a brief dusting of snow and an overcast sky, but the blooms go on and on. 

Such a simple pleasure!

Crazy easy. Just set the bulbs down in a bed of pebbles and keep the water level.

First time I have used this sweet little McCoy bulb pot.

I have never watched a minute of Game of Thrones, mind you, but the young old boys keep reciting a funny line from the series,"I am too fat for my armour!" And I find myself in exactly the same state!

But looking forward to calmer days. Ready to launch a new year of growth and bloom, armed or not.

Ready or not,
 Here we come!

I hope it's been a great start for you!
Happy New Year!


        Image result for are paperwhites narcissus
    Unlike other Narcissus species, paperwhites do not require chilling to promote bloom. The bulbs begin to grow as soon as they are planted, with flowers appearing in 3–4 weeks. Narcissus papyraceus thrives in moist, peat moss based potting mix. Plants can also be grown in containers of water.
    from Wikipedia

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  1. Those are simply elegant and beautiful. What a great spot of cheer to have in the house during the winter months!

  2. Your paper whites are so pretty.

  3. Happy New Year Jacqueline! Beautiful blooms at the start of a new season! Many blessings for peace and joy. Cindy xo

  4. They are so pretty and perfect for the new year. ;-)

    Happy 2016 to you and yours, Jacqueline.

  5. I've been hearing about your New Mexico snow. Lovely photos on the next posting. I also love your paperwhites. Mine are running a week or more behind. Getting very tall but awaiting the blooms! Happy New Year!

  6. I love narcissus as they are so classic yet simple and elegant.

  7. Happy New Year from Scotland. Love those flowers - so delicate and beautiful.
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  8. The fresh green and lovely paper whites are so welcome during the winter!
    Mary Alice

  9. Yes indeed; ready or not, here I come.... Happy New Year to you too.
    do you have to put the bulbs in the dark?

  10. Welcome back! I have missed your daily visit tremendously. Thanks for reminding me that I ONCE AGAIN forgot to plant some paperwhites. Every year I think I'm going to do so, but . . .

  11. Such sweet paper whites Jacqueline! And I love the McCoy pot too: )
    Thank you for sharing! Love to see your beautiful posts~
    Wishing you a Happy 2016. Karen O

  12. Such lovely flowers, they are a favourite of mine. Wishing you much joy for the new year.

  13. Hi Jacqueline, So beautiful!! Wishing you a happy new year filled with many joys for 2016. xo

  14. My favorite thing is seeing how others plant these cheerful bulbs. Yours are fun and so pretty

  15. I've never done my own paperwhites but I do love them! Your photos, as always, are terrific -- they look fresh and like spring. We need that!

  16. Jacqueline,
    Gorgeous blooms are your Paper whites, dear friend!!!
    I adore placing bouquets of large white flowers throughout
    our living areas after Christmas, but this year, I've left
    a couple of Wintery greenery garlands around for color!!!
    I did chuckle at your grandsons,"I'm too fat for my armour!"
    Tomorrow morning, I begin Yoga for 2016. . .
    something tells me it isn't going to be pretty!!!

  17. Your paperwhites look so pretty in the light the way you caught them. Love that you used the McCoy piece to plant some in. Winter finally found us up here too. It had been pretty mild for us for so long. Sounds like you had a nice holiday even if it was stretched out. P.S. I'm definitely too fat for my armor!!

  18. Hello Jacqueline, You paper whites are blooming beautifully. I need to take a lesson from you. My paperwhite decided to not face the New Year, A very Happy New Year to you and your family and may this year be filled with blessings

    Helen xx

  19. Happy New year Jacqueline,
    Your paper whites are bravely blooming greeting the new year with faces of whites. Love paper whites and they sit in your home perfectly placed and planted in vintage pots.
    It was nice that family finally made it to your home for the holidays. We here also had a dusting of snow and expect some snow days soon.
    See you soon and more of your white beauty.


  20. Jacqueline, I love the elegance of white flowers. Unfortunately, my husband cannot stand the scent of paperwhites (they *are* quite overpowering in our small house!). Hmm ... wonder if I could find an unscented version?

  21. Happy New Year Jacqueline. I love seeing your pretty paper whites,I wonder what they are called here in Australia because I'd love some but can't find any by that name. They look a lot like a large narcisses (not sure if that's the right spelling ) xx

  22. Lovely flowers!! So elegant in white!!

  23. Such beautiful photos, Jacqueline. A little bit of green is so inviting this time of year!

  24. Your paperwhites look beautiful in those pots Jacqueline. They really are a great lift to ones spirits. Mine have bloomed already, but I sure enjoyed them for the season.
    I hope your 2016 is a wonderful one!!!

  25. Happy New Year Jacqueline! The paper whites are so pretty and a perfect start to the new year! ♥

  26. Happy New Year, Jacqueline! It looks like you are staring the year off in your usual elegant way. Your beautiful pots of paperwhites are just perfect and must be filling your lovely home with their heavenly scent. I grew some this year, hoping for Christmas blooms, but they bloomed a bit too early. Thank you for the growing information - I will time it better next year. Glad you survived the terrible weather. Hugs xo Karen

  27. Happy New Year Jacqueline. How pretty your paperwhites are. I love having flowers indoors too.
    Hugs ~ Kerryanne

  28. Hello Jacqueline,
    I have found your lovely blog. The white flowers are so pretty! Very nice! I wish you a wonderful weekend,
    Christine from Austria

  29. They are so lovely, I can almost smell their sweet scent. Mine aren't popping up quite yet. I grow them in my yard. Soon they will come along with their happy white blooms

  30. Oh so pretty! What a sweet treat to have those blooming for the New Year! Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home!


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